I recently had a prospect tell me, “Oh, we tried blogging and it didn’t work.” What he should have told me is “We threw up a bunch of stuff on our website that our customer’s weren’t interested in and it didn’t move the needle any.”
Web-logs (or “blogs) are unique communication vehicles for your business, particularly for branding, relationship marketing and traffic building. You’re an expert at what you do and there is no better way than a blog to show it.
We tell our customers that networking, a business card, and internet marketing should be their top priorities to grow their businesses and that all other forms of marketing are luxuries. Luxuries that can produce results, but luxuries none the less. After you meet a prospect at a networking event, the first thing they are going to do is check you out on LinkedIn and then check out your company’s website.
You need to develop online offers – Something of value. Not a free consultation. We are trying to get as many people in the sales funnel as possible. We want a soft yes. A free consultation (A.K.A. sales call) is a hard yes. What can you offer that will educate your target market as to why they should be buying from you instead of your competition.
If your company is like most companies, the answer is a resounding NO! or the truth is that you could do a better job. Explaining what it is that you do is the essence of what marketing is and should be. The best marketing is about great teaching and communication.
As social media because more noisy, frustrating, and expensive, businesses will start concentrating on their owned digital assets more. Businesses don’t own their space on social media channels and some have found this out the hard way as organic access to the feeds slowing disappears. The website and the blog become the library for a company’s owned content and distribution of that content will more and more be driven by email and niche social media channels and groups/communities inside the larger social media channels.