Main Street Marketing
Tips For Using Video In Your Website, Social Media, And Email Marketing To Generate, Nurture, And Close Leads…

Tips For Using Video In Your Website, Social Media, And Email Marketing To Generate, Nurture, And Close Leads…

Video marketing works best when you show the right video to the right person at the right time. To do this you need to know when a lead is kicking the tires and when they are interested. You have to develop strategy that lays out when you should send specific leads specific videos to get them closer to buying your product or service. To create this strategy you need to know the stages of sales funnel for your leads. The 3 main stages in your sales funnel are lead generation, lead nurturing, and lead acquisition. Using

What’s The Best Way To Reach Executives? 75% Of Them Watch Work Related Videos Each Week!

What’s The Best Way To Reach Executives? 75% Of Them Watch Work Related Videos Each Week!

Videos cut through the digital noise of the internet by requiring a viewer’s full attention. In a minute, sometimes less, a video can convey a message that will take paragraphs and paragraphs to explain. Content marketing began with text blog posts but will now morph into text blog posts with video and maybe even an infographic. The content simply has to be better since there is more competition on the internet. Those who know how to use text, video, and images together and separately are going to be those who

The Best Ways To Use Web Videos And Why You Need A Marketer And Not Video Technician To Produce Them

The Best Ways To Use Web Videos And Why You Need A Marketer And Not Video Technician To Produce Them

When you think of corporate videos, do you think about very creative and entertaining videos? We bet not! Those boring old style profile and testimonial videos are yesterdays news and not the way you want your company to use it’s video budget for the the future. The best way to use web video today is to focus on your customer’s problems and to keep them entertaining and educational, always showing your company’s personality in the process.