Main Street Marketing
Social Media Is Just One Piece of the Marketing Puzzle… Don’t Forget About Blogging, Websites, Video, And Online Reviews

Social Media Is Just One Piece of the Marketing Puzzle… Don’t Forget About Blogging, Websites, Video, And Online Reviews

As social media because more noisy, frustrating, and expensive, businesses will start concentrating on their owned digital assets more. Businesses don’t own their space on social media channels and some have found this out the hard way as organic access to the feeds slowing disappears. The website and the blog become the library for a company’s owned content and distribution of that content will more and more be driven by email and niche social media channels and groups/communities inside the larger social media channels.

The Future Of SEO As Google Continues Their Quest To Give The Best Answers To Specific Questions…

The Future Of SEO As Google Continues Their Quest To Give The Best Answers To Specific Questions…

Not getting found online can break a business in this day and age. Optimizing your website and social media channels are the way you get found online. The way you optimize your website and social media channels is to provide educational content to those in need of it. This content needs to be in many forms (blogs, audio, video, etc.) and integrated through social media with the intention to convert into customers those who are reading the content. With that said, anybody who tells you that SEO is dead is just “Loony Tunes.”