Results Driven Online Marketing Strategy and Content Production For Small Businesses


Main Street Marketing helps you to overcome common small business marketing challenges…

Marketing Problems

Struggling To Find Time To Market Your Business?

Most small business marketing strategies require a large time investment. Generating organic business takes a strong SEO strategy and regularly posting content to your digital profiles.

SOLUTION… Outsource your marketing to a professional marketing agency.

Outsourcing gives you time to concentrate on your core tasks and focus on your customers. Learning and maintaining new marketing skills and managing all the marketing tasks takes you and your staff away from what you’re best at.

Do You Have a Small Marketing Budget?

No business operates without financial constraints but there are some ways to keep your marketing costs low and still generate leads.

SOLUTION… Use organic marketing and search engine optimization to generate leads.

While it may take longer than online advertising to bear fruit, good content delivers traffic to your website and converts visitors into customers.

Do You Need More Leads?

No matter how great your products or services may be, you can’t grow your business or be profitable without leads. To get leads from your marketing efforts, you must share content that piques the interest of potential buyers in your target market. It’s essential to research what potential buyers in your target market need to solve their problems and create content showing them how you solve their problems.

SOLUTION… Create blogs, videos, and featured work posts that highlight topics that interest your target market.

Content that is full of helpful and valuable information can be a great source of website traffic and leads. If you also have the budget for online advertising you can use it to accelerate the amount of traffic to your website and its content.

Struggling To Reach The Right Target Audience?

If you’re speaking to everyone, you’re talking to no one. While small business owners want to target anyone and everyone who may be interested in their product or service, they’re missing out on a significant opportunity to personalize messaging based on their buyer personas. Targeting too large of an audience dilutes your message and provides poor leads.

SOLUTION… Know the audience you want to target.

Building customer personas and figuring out how these people think and talk about your niche is ideal for generating the best leads for your sales pipeline. Once you identify your target audience and buyer personas, feed all that information into your marketing materials so you can speak to your prospects about their pain points from their perspective.

Does Your Company Have Low Brand Recognition?

Too many small businesses feel that branding is something only big organizations can do. But every brand, no matter how big or small, should have a consistent brand known by potential buyers in their target market. Branding your small business enables potential customers to further connect with your company and drives loyalty.

SOLUTION… Use social media to drive brand awareness. Focus on local search engine optimization and email marketing to generate leads. 

Blogs, featured work posts, videos, and graphics shared on social media will brand your business. Google business profile optimization, good and consistent online reviews, and Google business profile posts are a great way to get found in local searches.


I'm Dan Hahn, the Owner & Founder of Main Street Marketing, and I'm Here to HELP!

I’ve been working in or with small businesses all my professional life. I understand what you are up against and know what a small business needs marketing-wise to be successful.

After graduating from the University of Kentucky with a marketing degree in 1992, I held top management and marketing positions for 14 years. In those positions, I was using online marketing in it’s early days before most business owners knew how to take advantage of it. All of that experience led me to know what works and what doesn’t with online marketing.

So… In 2006, I created Main Street Marketing to help small businesses market themselves online. A lot has changed since 2006 but my main focus for getting the right message to the right people at the right time for my clients hasn’t.

I’d love to help you turn your prospects into customers!

Dan Hahn Main Street Marketing Northern Kentucky Cincinnati


We Handle All Of Your Online Marketing Needs

When you have a website person, a social media person, a video production person, etc. your marketing strategy and messages get diluted and you pay more. We provide everything a small business needs to market themselves. You will have just one back to pat -or- one throat to choke!

We Show Prospects The Work You Are Doing

We create an ongoing portfolio of your featured work posts that contain work summaries, before and after pictures, online reviews, and videos showing your prospects that you are successfully helping people just like them! These featured work posts are also great for email lead generation campaigns.

We Get YOU Into YOUR Online Marketing

We produce video podcasts of you having conversations with thought leaders, vendors, partners, and staff which will allow prospects to learn about every aspect of your company and how you do business. By the time they reach out to you they will already be sold on you and your company!


Website Marketing

Updates, Hosting, Maintenance, and Support

SEO / Blogs

SEO Optimized Blogs and Featured Work Posts

Social Media

Multiple Postings Per Day On the Main Social Media Platforms


Videos for Website, Social Media, & More

Lead Generation

Lead Magnets, Lead Campaigns, &  Landing Pages

Email Marketing

Triggered Email Campaigns, Enewsletters, & Eblasts

Local SEO

Profile Optimization, Local Pages, Local Content, and More

Online Reviews

Online Review System and Email/Text Campaigns

Podcast Marketing

Video / Audio Podcast Production and Marketing

Graphic Design

Online and Offline Graphic Design Projects

Online Ads

Search / Social Ads (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, & More)


Digital Marketing

Organic Marketing & Advertising

Starting at $1,000/Month
Comprehensive Digital Marketing, Blogs, SEO, Online Ads, Social Media, Podcast Marketing, & More!

Internet Presence

Organic Content Marketing

Starting at $750/month
Organic Digital Marketing, Blogs, SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, Online Reviews, Videos, Podcast, & More!

Local Marketing Essentials

Essential Online Marketing

Starting at $300/month
Website Design, Website Updates, Local Search Engine Optimization, Online Reviews System, and More!


Schedule a Free Appointment Below

Lets Talk

(954) 228-5812

We don’t hold you to any contracts. Everything is month to month!
We know that small businesses need fixed pricing. No surprises here!