stepsMost small businesses don’t have websites that convert prospects into customers. Some of them are pretty but pretty doesn’t pay the bills. Website leads all start with website traffic because you have to have the traffic in order to have the chance to convert them into customers.


Lack of Planning/Budget

Without a plan and resources your website is doomed! Also, remember that a website isn’t marketing. A website is just a tool to use in your marketing plan. Building traffic and generating leads is going to take work that involves a website, search engine optimization, content, social media, and email marketing among other tools. Using these tools together provides a cumulative effect (1+1+1=10).

Lack of Content

Blogs, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media all require unique, interesting, and relevant content to produce results. There is no way around creating content that supports your value added position statement. Without content your lead generation efforts are doomed!

Lack of Ownership

If no one is directly responsible for your website to produce leads then it won’t. Most small businesses can’t hire a dedicated employee to handle just their marketing, so marketing gets added to someone’s duties, or worse it gets divvied up between multiple people. Small business can afford to outsource their marketing efforts to an online marketing company though. The best small businesses appoint one person to head up supervising the outsourced marketing company.

Unsustainable Expectations 

Online marketing is something that is built over time. It is a marathon and not a sprint no matter how much ROI hounds bark about it! You must walk before you run. If marketing is a staircase then you can’t get to the top steps before walking on the bottom ones. Pick an attainable goal, beat it, then make a another goal once you reach a stable platform to build from. Make sure your marketing team has a analytics dashboard that shows how all of your marketing efforts are doing. 

Your online marketing efforts will be ready to produce leads when… you put effort into your online marketing plan, fund the plan sufficiently, produce great content consistently, distribute the content correctly on social media and email, and know how you will judge it’s success.

Contact us (859-904-8035) today to get started!\


mainstreetSince 2006, Main Street Marketing has been creating Internet Presence Solutions for small businesses mainly in the Cincinnati – Northern Kentucky area. Main Street Marketing uses internet marketing, search engine optimization, social media, lead generation, and video to create a true Internet Presence for its clients. When integrated correctly, this core group of services provide results together that none of the services could provide on their own or in phases.
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