restaurant marketing cincinnati   EditedCustomers come to bars and restaurants and in an hour or two they are gone again for a month or two. Owners recognize their customers faces sometimes but to don’t really have a way to communicate with them when they aren’t in the bar or restaurant. Guest WiFi allows owners to collect customer contact information in exchange for providing free WiFi for them. When they agree to give their contact information they are also agreeing to accept messaging from the bar or restaurant. As long as the bar or restaurant doesn’t abuse this communication channel, it can be a major driver to get their customers to come back more often and to spend more. Get Something In Return For Offering Free WiFi To Your Customers

Business owners have a 60-70% chance to sell again to a past customer and only a 5-20% chance to get a new customer to give them a try. Existing customers spend 31% more than new customers. *A Study by Marketing Sherpa

Email Marketing May Not Be as “Cool” as Social Media but It’s Super Effective

Good WiFi marketing automatically adds customers to your emailing marketing lists when they accept the terms for using your Guest WiFi. A study by Marketing Sherpa shows that 87% of marketers say they get very successful or successful results from using email marketing. 91% of people check their email at least once per day. The average return on investment for every dollar spent on email marketing is $44! MailChimp doesn’t even charge for your first 2,000 contacts and it’s is around only $50/month for 5,000 or so contacts. Send the right content to your customers and will have a very inexpensive and effective marketing channel on your hands!

Below is a sample of how most bars and restaurants chose to communicate with their customers… 

1st Visit

    • Collect – Collect contact data through a guest WiFi sign-in
    • Subscribe – Automatically add contact to email list
    • Thank – Send a “Thank You for Stopping By” email with a link to a menu

2nd Visit

    • Review – Automatically send a review request

3rd Visit

    • Survey – Automatically send a survey

10th Visit

    • Thank-you Coupon – Automatically send a “Thank-You” email with a coupon

After 60th Day of Inactivity

    • Send a “We Miss You!” email with a coupon

Weekly (Ongoing)

    • Events – Send an automated email of upcoming events pulling from events posted on your website

Monthly (Ongoing)

    • Blogs – From keyword optimized blogs, menu spotlights, product spotlights, or service spotlights on your website
    • Promotions – From promotion posts on your website

Texting Customers Who Give You Approval Is a Great Way to Communicate

Offering Guest WiFi in exchange for contact information is a great way to get opt-ins for text messaging! Per Marketing Sherpa… text message marketing has a huge open rate of 98% and click-through rates as high as 45%. Getting a customer’s number to text is tougher because it requires a double opt-in but a share of your customers who trust you will sign-up.

Retarget Your Customers on Facebook and Google

Once you collect your customer’s data you can then retarget them on Google or Facebook if you are actively running ads on either of those search or social platforms.  Follow your customers for a period of time after they visit your bar or restaurant with a Google or Facebook ad to try to get them to come back more often or to take advantage of a promotion you are running.

Reach Out Prospects On Social Media That Have the Same Interests and Demographics As Your Customers

Using customer information on Facebook you can create look alike audiences to serve ads to. Creating lookalike audiences will let you focus your ad budget smartly.  if you find that 50% of your customers are men between 34 and 45, you’ll know to target that demographic in your next marketing campaign.  >> Learn more

Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Website, Hosting, Support, & Maintenance

A website is a fundamental cost of doing business these days. Without a website, potential customers will question your company’s validity. The first thing a potential customer will do after they meet you is check you out online. They will go to your website and social media to do research. If they go to do their research and you or your company is nowhere to be found, in most cases you will not be in the running for their business.


  • WordPress Website Creation – We design websites that are attractive, functional, and user-friendly. Our websites are built on the WordPress Platform and we make sure that your website is the hub of all your marketing activity.
  • All Inclusive Support and Maintenance – Main Street Marketing’s hosting partner has 1,000+ hosting accounts, allowing our customers to receive priority support if anything goes wrong. Also, WordPress sites require software updates to be made almost weekly to keep everything working and in good order and that’s included. Daily backups and hacking recovery are included also.
  • Unlimited Website Hosting – Websites are hosted through Main Street Marketing’s strategic hosting partner. Hosting includes unlimited disc space and bandwidth.
  • Unlimited Updates – Send us all the finished content that you want to add to your site and we’ll add it for you.
  • Web Traffic Analytics – Your website traffic information will be available through Google Analytics so you can see how visitors are interacting with your website.
  • Learn More about what comes with our Website Support Package

Search Engine Optimization

SEO surgically brings the right prospects to your website, so you can start converting them into customers. We focus on building or correcting your website’s SEO foundation and build on that foundation consistently over time using only white hat SEO techniques. This holistic, organic approach to improving your SEO will give you the best results and the most long lasting effects when compared to campaign style SEO techniques that tend to lose rankings quickly after an SEO service is discontinued. Google and other search engines are pushing for more and more quality, consistency, and just overall passion being put into your website before they give it higher rankings. This holistic and organic approach to SEO protects your website from the potential ill effects that future algorithm changes may have on your website and allows you to thrive while others lose search rankings because of their previous blatant attempts to game the system.


  • SEO Optimized Featured Work Blog Posts – We will create featured work posts to prove that your company can provide the results potential customers desire
  • SEO Optimized Educational Blog Posts – We will create search engine optimized educational posts that answer the questions your potential customers are asking.

Spreading Your Message With Social Media

We will handle your day to day social media management, making sure that your accounts are always growing. We create the content and distribute tweets, posts, and updates with messages that are always in line with your company’s vision, products, and services. Your social network pages will be fully optimized, active, and interesting to your customers.

Social Media Management

  • Blog Posts Pushed to Social Media – We will push all posts to relevant social media sites with a picture, a teaser, and a link back to a website that will convert visitors into customers.
  • Social Media Only Posts – We will create social media only posts that are meant to engage with clients to get likes, shares, comments, and more! Some of the social media only posts will be for date driven promotions and events.
  • Repurposed Blog and Social Media Posts – We will repurpose relevant blogs from your library and other social media only posts to social media to increase their viewership. We can also have them reposted for specific times of the year.

Online Reviews Prove You Are As Good As You Say You Are

  1. We shepherd customers to give reviews via email, print, and texting methods. All reviewers are sent to one review page that contains only the social review networks that will help your business the most.
  2. We guide customers through a process to make it as easy as possible to leave a positive review.
  3. We prevent negative reviews by stopping a negative review in its tracks and giving unhappy customers a way to immediately contact a manager or owner to resolve the issue.
  4. You will be able to quantify your review results with monthly reports that will give you actionable insights.
  5. You will be able to leverage and amplify your 4 & 5 star reviews on your website and social media.

Main Street Marketing can help your small business cut through today’s online marketing clutter and bring your company more leads from it’s online marketing efforts!

Contact us (859-904-8035) today to get started!


mainstreetSince 2006, Main Street Marketing has been creating Internet Presence Solutions for small businesses. Main Street Marketing uses internet marketingsearch engine optimizationsocial medialead generation, and video to create a true Internet Presence for its clients. When integrated correctly, this core group of services provide results together that none of the services could provide on their own or in phases.
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